Thursday, December 31, 2009
Color Your Style with Vegetables™
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Spread Happiness
Happiness is even being studied as link in economic development. Since the meaning of happiness seems to be a bit subjective, the study of happiness can be ambiguous unless it is clearly defined. In the Wall Street Journal Online, The Numbers Guy discusses research on the self-perceived quality of life or well-being in his article, "On a Scale of One to Four, How Happy Are You?" Is quality of life the same as perceived happiness? Can happiness be quantified, defined, and qualified? Do you even know if you are happy at any given moment? Positive Psychologists have developed assessments for measuring Authentic Happiness and now have a website for measuring and improving "Happiness." But sometimes the question of happiness is more of a comparison: "Am I happy compared to what?" Unless you decide to be happy, or know how to make yourself happy, you may find yourself less than happy at any time or place.
The Christmas season with the lights, gifts, family, and often spiritual context can bring out joy and happiness in many, but it can be a source of unhappiness for others if they expect the season or other people to make them happy. Gratitude, giving, sharing, music, exercise, and relaxation promote happiness. Find ways to spread happiness this holiday season rather than waiting for it to come to you. Enjoy the season!
With Love and Happiness,
This website is intended for informational purposes only. For professional personal/ career coaching, call or email Nancy for assistance with consulting, resources, and information to meet your personal needs. See links on the side panel for professional organizations. Copyright LWD © 2005 Nancy Miller
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Family Gatherings
We are very blessed to have many family gatherings during the holidays. We plan to eat, sing and play games. I had a wonderful pre-Christmas with my daughter, son-in-law, grandsons & new granddaughter in Albuquerque, NM. The boys enjoyed seeing Santa and the "River of Lights." We had a wonderful view of the aquarium from a large glass window during our "Dinner with Santa."
This website is intended for informational purposes only. For professional personal/ career coaching, call or email Nancy for assistance with consulting, resources, and information to meet your personal needs. See links on the side panel for professional organizations. Copyright LWD © 2005 Nancy Miller
Joyful Holidays
Having an "Attitude of Gratitude" takes me a long way during the holidays. I am grateful for my family, doing work that I love to do, and having time to write out my thoughts and ideas. Starting my day with gratitude takes me through all of the unexpected disappointments along the way.
When things don't go as planned a "Sense of Humor" helps me gain perspective. Sometimes there are illnesses and heartbreaks that press on people even during the holidays, but often it's the little things that build up that cause us to lose our cool. The little things that we feel are important over the holidays can sometimes become overwhelming. Family gatherings, food, gifts, and cards are all wonderful as tokens of gratitude. But when having everything "just right" becomes more important than the "good intention," the meaning gets lost. I spent hours yesterday working on pictures to make photo cards. This year was the first year I tried to send them. When I got the finished cards I was disappointed to find that some were quite dark. The cards seemed to turn out darker than the pictures that I had printed. My first thought was that no one would like them, and they would wonder why I would send cards that didn't look picture perfect. Then I looked at my growing family and smiled. We're not perfect and sometimes it shows.
The last thing that I want to do is have a "Plan" for next year. I want to have a picture in my mind of the things that are really important to me. I plan to express my expectations to others, and smile when life takes a turn in the road that I didn't expect.
Have a Joyful Holiday!
This website is intended for informational purposes only. For professional personal/ career coaching, call or email Nancy for assistance with consulting, resources, and information to meet your personal needs. See links on the side panel for professional organizations. Copyright LWD © 2005 Nancy Miller, M.S.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Building Alliances
Networking is the key to finding a job. In the broadest sense it is the key to finding any job, but networking is even more important if you are looking for a job that you feel passionate about as in a career related to the green economy or sustainability. If networking is so important, what is it?
- In the world of computers, networking is sharing data between two devices.
- In the career world networking includes sharing information. In fact, speed networking could be compared to computer networking. Speed networking can be useful for entrepreneurs who want rapid exposure of their name and product identification. It is one step up from social networking.
We each have different strengths that we bring to our environment. I like to think of my environment as a garden. I have seeds that are my natural strengths that grow naturally in certain environments and seem to wilt in others. Each of us works in our own garden. We may have different strengths and challenges, but we can learn to build character by cultivating seeds that don’t grow naturally in a given environment.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Color Your Style with Vegetables Presentation
I am finding myself more enthusiastic and committed to getting the book completed through sharing the analogy with others. I've always enjoyed working by myself, but I am growing with the garden. During the winter I still sometimes feel like hibernating and working alone, but I have learned to love and appreciate the different styles of people as well as the many colors in the garden.
This website is intended for informational purposes only. For professional personal/ career coaching, call or email Nancy for assistance with consulting, resources, and information to meet your personal needs. See links on the side panel for professional organizations. Copyright LWD © 2005 Nancy Miller
The panel discussion led by Carol McClelland, Jim Cassio and Alice Bush gave us current information about green careers: where the money is, types of jobs, and expected growth areas. The workshops provided additional inspiration and information.
We are looking for a location for the next regional conference. CCDA plans to continue offering conferences that provide professional development and CEU's.
This website is intended for informational purposes only. For professional personal/ career coaching, call or email Nancy for assistance with consulting, resources, and information to meet your personal needs. See links on the side panel for professional organizations. Copyright LWD © 2005 Nancy Miller
Thursday, November 05, 2009
CCDA Regional Conference Nov. 7
At the conference we will also be holding the CCDA Annual Membership meeting. The meeting wlll be following the conference from 3:00 - 4:00. We will be discussing CCDA issues, organization, dues, and counselor licensure. I will be discussing social networking including the Linkedin CCDA Group which is now open to all career professionals. We are thrilled that the conference is full, buy saddened that some of you who wanted to come will miss it. You are welcome to join the Linkedin Group now to stay updated and give your input on CCDA concerns and decisions. It is an exciting time to be a member of CCDA.
We are looking forward to hearing the conference keynote speakers John Krumboltz, Carol McClelland, and Jim Cassio as well as all of the workshop presenters.
This website is intended for informational purposes only. For professional personal/ career coaching, call or email Nancy for assistance with consulting, resources, and information to meet your personal needs. See links on the side panel for professional organizations. Copyright LWD © 2005 Nancy Miller
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Having fun
And playing ball was more fun than eating at all.
When smiles came quicker than frowns,
And birthday candles fit on one cupcake.
When I spent the day with a 2-year old,
And learned to play just for the fun of it.
I had a great time getting away from it all and visiting my grandkids in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The shadows on the mountains at sunset looked cool and mysterious, in contrast to the bright white houses and glaring daytime sunshine. It's a long drive through the desert from California, but I enjoyed visiting somewhere different. We usual head for the mountains and ocean, so seeing other parts of the country are always enlightening.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Sustainable Careers Conference
With John Krumboltz, Carol McClelland, Jim Cassio, and Alice Bush as featured speakers, we'll have the opportunity to hear the most up-to-date information on Green Careers. There will be four afternoon workshops to choose from and a CCDA membership meeting. Lunch will be provided.
I willl have the opportunity to present a workshop on, "Color Your Style with Vegetables." Creating a sustainable lifestyle through healthy eating and healthy relationships will provide the resilience needed for transitioning to a greener career. Join us for a fun and informative conference. Sign up for the conference and tell a friend.
This website is intended for informational purposes only. For professional personal/ career coaching, call or email Nancy for assistance with consulting, resources, and information to fit your personal needs. See links on the side panel for professional organizations. Copyright LWD © 2005 Nancy Miller
Sunday, September 20, 2009
How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free.
You can contact Nancy Miller, LifeWork Coach for information about career and retirement planning.
This website is intended for informational purposes only. For professional personal/ career coaching, call or email Nancy for assistance with consulting, resources, and information to meet your personal needs. See links on the side panel for professional organizations.
CCDA Social
Being a part of a professional association is a great way to learn about career opportunities, professional development, interests of professionals, and get experience networking. You never know where it will take you. Getting even more involved in a leadership position is an even better opportunity. As the marketing director of CCDA I learn about core issues in the counseling profession, interact with seasoned professionals, and have an opportunity to take on a leadership role. Joining an association is an important part of career development.
This website is intended for informational purposes only. For professional personal/ career coaching, call or email Nancy for assistance with consulting, resources, and information to meet your personal needs. See links on the side panel for professional organizations.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Fantabulous Smoothie
(with tips for designing your own)
2 Kiwi
2 Fresh Figs
Small wedge Cabbage
Handful of Spinach
About a cup of green/rasberry tea (any tasty liquid)
Blend on high til smooth
Local honey
1 tsp Watkins Pure Vanilla
6 oz plain yogurt
Blend low
Add (slowly if frozen/ice if fresh):
Berries (blueberry, rasberry, marionberry) til berry colored
Blend high for a few seconds til smooth
Could a power packed breakfast really be that good? Absolutely!
I will proudly face my Wii Active Personal Trainer today, after I walk off the smoothie since I am on my second helping. Staying active and eating well really does improve health, relationships and work. Share a smoothie for added benefit. Socializing around healthy eating creates harmony in the mind, body, and soul.
Keys to a good smoothie:
- Have fun experimenting rather than measuring
- Stock your kitchen with fruits & veggies then fill your blender
- Spinach & citrus compliment each other
- Cabbage is one of the most healthful forgotten vegetables
- Local honey helps allergies
- Yogurt adds creaminess
- Quality Pure Vanilla or Cinnamon brings out the best flavor
This website is intended for informational purposes only. For professional personal/ career coaching, call or email Nancy for assistance with consulting, resources, and information to meet your personal needs. See links on the side panel for professional organizations.
Monday, August 10, 2009
A new way
This website is intended for informational purposes only. For professional personal/ career coaching, call or email Nancy for assistance with consulting, resources, and information to meet your personal needs. See links on the side panel for professional organizations.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Storytelling Seminar
This website is intended for informational purposes only. For professional personal/ career coaching, call or email Nancy for assistance with consulting, resources, and information to meet your personal needs. Copyright LWD © 2005 Nancy Miller
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Dream Job
Since then in workshops and classes, I've given the assignment to "Write a job description for your dream job." The job description makes the dream job more real and concrete. In my own job description I was:
- my own boss
- gave presentations
- facilitated workshops
- provided coaching and counseling
- had flexible hours
- traveled occasionally
Career expert and author Kathy Hansen, PhD writes about the "Storytelling Resume" and the idea of writing a "Job Wanted" description. I think the "Job Wanted" description would be the next step after writing your dream job and job description. These three steps would help prepare you for writing a "Storytelling Resume.":
- Describing your "Dream Job"
- Writing your own "Job Description"
- Developing a "Job Wanted" ad
This website is intended for informational purposes only. For professional personal/ career coaching, call or email Nancy for assistance with consulting, resources, and information to meet your personal needs. See links on the side panel for professional organizations.
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
You Are Your Business
Have you ever thought about the fact that if you consider yourself an employee in your home, work, or family, you are not taking charge of your wants and needs. As your own boss, you don't always get everything you want, but you will develop skills in compassion, resourcefulness, teamwork, and leadership. You will plan how you want to spend your time and money. In fact, you are in the business of you. It's up to you to make your business a success. You're the boss, enjoy the process.
Freedom Walking
- creative
- fluid
- intuitive
Choosing to walk whenever possible frees the air of pollution while freeing your muscles to grow and develop. Endorphins are generated by increased brain activity that frees the brain to create and adapt. How can you find time to walk you might ask. You can choose to make opportunities when things are not going the way you would like them to. For example, yesterday I missed the bus coming home from the dentist's office. I knew the next one wouldn't be coming for another hour. I assumed it was only about 3 or 4 miles home, and I could walk that in the time it would take to wait. I had already taken my two and a half mile morning walk, so I was in the habit of walking. A few months earlier I would have thought of the walk as a daunting task, and I would have stopped for coffee rather than walk. But knowing the freedom of walking rather than driving or taking the bus, I was off. An hour's walk is actually very pleasant if the weather isn't extreme. I was glad I chose freedom walking.
You can easily find opportunities to walk or ride a bicycle when your car doesn't start, you forget your lunch, you need to run an errand, or you find an event to walk or run for a cause. Children and dogs are great motivators. With increased obesity and diabetes in children and even pets, you can prevent so many health problems by getting out for a walk. Dinner time? Have a salad, smoothie, or veggie burrito instead of a big meal. You will free up plenty of time for walking. My daughter and I walk our dogs and motivate each other to get up early in the morning and take longer walks than we ever would alone. I would never get up that early consistently to walk by myself. You can easily motivate someone else to walk or ride a bike. Find a partner and enjoy freedom walking!
This website is intended for informational purposes only. For professional personal/ career coaching, call or email Nancy for assistance with consulting, resources, and information to meet your personal needs. See links on the side panel for professional organizations.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
"Three Cups of Tea"
I stuck with the story and learned about more than schools or programs. I learned about rugged terrain, unfamiliar cultures, and brave people. I was amazed at the whole process of starting a massive project with no money, experience, or support. Dogged determination, gratitude, and passion for a people drove Greg Mortenson to persevere until a school was built.
I read several reviews of this book on Amazon. Reviewers were quick to call Mortenson a great hero or to call him an overzealous ramroder. While most people felt the book was exceptional, a few thought it was poorly written and glossed over Mortenson's short comings. But one of the things I really like about the book was the fact that the author showed Mortenson as a hero as well as compassionate, independent, and obsessed with his mission. Every hero has a human side, and anyone who accomplishes the magnitude of work that Mortenson did, will have his faults. I thought the book showed both sides of Mortenson very clearly. Through his journey, we also saw how a man who began by single-handedly attempting to build programs in a country he knew little about, learned to work with the people and cultures he lived with. I would highly recommend this book, not for it's literary style, but for the shear breadth of experiences, accomplishments and adventures through worlds we often know little about.
"Here (in Pakistan and Afghanistan), we drink three cups of tea to do business; the first you are a stranger, the second you become a friend, and the third, you join our family, and for our family we are prepared to do anything--even die."
- Haji Ali, Korphe Village Chief, Karakoram Mountains, Pakistan ("Three Cups of Tea")
This website is intended for informational purposes only. For professional personal/ career coaching, call or email Nancy for assistance with consulting, resources, and information to meet your personal needs. See links on the side panel for professional organizations.
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Run 4 Independence
There are some families however, who are stuck in a cycle of poverty lacking family support and work experience. Young people and adults with disabilities need opportunities to function as members of a society in a great country. Parents who work at minimum wage jobs and those who come from temporary jobs with no benefits need help to survive and feed their families until they can get back on their feet. The community of Elk Grove as well as runners from other areas made the effort to support basic services for those who need them.
As a career counselor and coach, I always encourage people to use the services they need and then give back to the community when they are able to. Children don't need to be hungry in America. Families need a chance to eat, work, and live. It was wonderful to participate in this 4th of July celebration!
This website is intended for informational purposes only. For professional personal/ career coaching, call or email Nancy for assistance with consulting, resources, and information to meet your personal needs. See links on the side panel for professional organizations.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Solar Heater
In the middle of my meltdown I realized that I had a great outdoor heater and a cool place to work inside. What could be better? I hung my clothes on my "solar heater" for a quick dry. Now for a blog note and then off to clean up. This afternoon will be a great time for journaling, writing, reading, or meditating on what a great day it is.
This website is intended for informational purposes only. For professional personal/ career coaching, call or email Nancy for assistance with consulting, resources, and information to meet your personal needs. See links on the side panel for professional organizations.
Copyright LWD © 2005 Nancy Miller
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Frugal Phone Lunch
So many of us are busy and don't want to take time to go out to lunch or go to an office to work. Working by phone can be the perfect solution. Phone coaching is more than a lunch conversation. LifeWork Coaching is a conversation with a purpose, and the focus is you.
This website is intended for informational purposes only. For professional personal/ career coaching, call or email Nancy for assistance with consulting, resources, and information to meet your personal needs. See links on the side panel for professional organizations.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Are you ready to love?
Relationship building skills are now one of the most important skills for building a successful career, healthier living, and true happiness. The first step in developing a healthy relationship with another person is to develop trust. The best way to develop trust is by showing understanding or putting your self in another person’s shoes. What does it really mean to walk in another person’s shoes? I have to ask my self “Do I really want to know what it feels like to be in that person’s shoes?” In fact, there are many days when I feel like my own shoes are heavy enough, so why would I want to add more weight?
Feeling heavy with my own life and busyness, I might feel like I don’t want to know how someone else feels. Do I need to care that much for everyone, or just the people who are my friends, family and neighbors? God tells us to love him with all our heart, soul, and strength (Deut. 6:5.) It takes a lifetime for many of us to care so deeply for another person who shares our interests and values, but what about people who may be unhappy, in pain, or who have caused us pain? If we really want to learn to love in a way that changes lives and makes the world safer, we are challenged to love with all of our strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 5:43.) in the Sermon on the Mountain, Jesus goes even further and challenges us to “love our enemies.”
We listen to an internal voice all day telling us what needs to be done, where we need to go, and whom we need to see. Sometimes our voices are so loud that we shut out the people we care about. If we follow Jesus’ example and love others as ourselves, then we will listen to others at least as much as we listen to ourselves. I’ve noticed many times in my own relationships that it is hard to just STOP what I’m doing, LOOK at the person, and LISTEN to what they are saying. In the Relationship Enhancement series, “Ready for Love,” authors Mary Ortwein, M.S. and Bernard G. Guerney, Jr. Ph.D. say that you need to go even further than just stop, look, and listen if you want to develop trusting communication. Excerpt from “10 Ways to Show Understanding.” (9)
1. “STOP what you’re doing to pay close attention when someone talks to you.”
2. “When you listen, LOOK at the other person in a caring way.
3. “When you LISTEN, imagine you are the other person.”
Some people seem to naturally listen intuitively in a way that shows they care, while others need to make a conscious effort to listen to others as much as themselves. I find it very hard to take the time to really stop and be in the moment with someone I care about. The eighth step in showing understanding may be the hardest for me.
8. “When someone is tired, rest together.”
How wonderful it would be to care enough to stop and rest with another person. Time is one of the greatest gifts you can give another person. Taking the time to develop healthy relationships actually takes the weight off rather than adding weight to your life. Loneliness, resentment and anger add weight to a person’s shoes. Sharing, caring, and giving support for others can be much like arch supports that give you a lift. Are you ready to love with all your heart, soul, and strength? I’m challenging myself to begin by listening.
This website is intended for informational purposes only. For professional personal/ career coaching, call or email Nancy for assistance with consulting, resources, and information to meet your personal needs. See links on the side panel for professional organizations.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Job Hunting Full Time?
- Do you need a job NOW?
- Do you have time to find out what you really want to do?
- Using resources available
- Self-evaluation
- Learning job search strategies
- Spending quality time with family
- Spiritual growth
- Physical fitness
- Networking
- Volunteering
- Working with a professional association
- Working in the community
- Planting a garden
- Know your strengths
- Say what you want
- Have a great resume
- Prepare an interesting cover letter
- Follow up each contact with a thank you
- Stay active and involved
- Meet new people
- Don't wait for someone to come to you
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Fabulous Smoothie
Fabulous Smoothie
(makes 2-4 servings)
1 Banana
5-7 Baby Carrots cut in half
Soy Milk (about a cup)
Blend high speed
Add fresh of frozen softened Strawberries
Add about a cup of crushed ice
Blend high speed
A couple of handfuls of spinach
A squirt of honey
Blend on low to medium
The spinach/orange juice combination makes the orange juice less acidic and the vitamin C in the orange juice helps you absorb in iron in the spinach. “The Color Code” (79).
Thursday, June 11, 2009
We All Have Dreams
There are always new opportunities. It's just a matter of being ready and recognizing them when when they present themselves. We all need encouragement, accountability, and clarity to stay motivated to succeed. You may need to re-evaluate your definition of success, set new goals, or find a lifestyle that keeps you energized. One way to be open to new possibilities is to fill your life with more of what you want.
What do you need more of in your life and work? When you fill yourself with more of what you want, there is less room for what you don't want. Be healthier, more successful and have more fun in your work and play. You can find more of what you want in many ways:
- Count your blessings.
- Develop a personal business plan.
- Take charge of your life and think like an entrepreneur.
- Hire a professional coach who can help you develop a plan for success.
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Living Greener
In our family, being greener first became part of our lives out of necessity. We took the bus because my father worked out of town and my mother didn’t drive. Many of us in our family inherited a vision challenge that prevented driving during all or part of our lives. As a teenager, I was thrilled to pass the driving test after a couple of attempts and a note from my ophthalmologist. As a teenager I relished driving and used the car as much as I could afford to. With gasoline costing twenty-five cents a gallon, and no cable TV or computers, cruising was a popular teenage past time. Then came the 70’s with marriage, job transitions, and the rising price of gasoline. We cut back on driving, paper products, made bread, jams, and pizza as well as clothes for the kids. We were living greener out of financial necessity.
Then as our income increased so did our consumption. With teenagers, camping, and entertaining we used massive amounts of styrofoam containers, paper plates, and gasoline. It seemed like a natural progression in American life to enjoy the all of the conveniences we could afford. Takeout, packaging, and driving were a way of life.
About the middle of this decade, I began noticing that our trashcan wasn’t big enough, our closets were overflowing, and our waists were expanding. Too much consumption! As we usher in a new world of work that is transitional, individual, and skill based rather than following a ladder of upward mobility, we are finding that being more frugal is again another way of being greener.
I am looking for ways to have a greener lifestyle and a greener business. If you have ideas or websites of interest, please share.
This website is intended for informational purposes only. For professional personal/ career coaching, call or email Nancy for assistance with consulting, resources, and information to meet your personal needs. See links on the side panel for professional organizations. Copyright LWD © 2005 Nancy Miller
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Enjoying Blue Skies and Blueberries

Blueberries are one of the Superfoods that promote a healthy lifestyle. Eating fresh fruit and vegetables is so much better than taking pills. While genetics always play a part, you can avoid getting some of the common illnesses and diseases at an early age by eating superfoods. Besides being packed with antioxidants and vitamin C, blueberries are anti-inflammatory and lower your risk of cancer and heart disease. I enjoy blueberries fresh, but eat them frozen when they are not in season on cereal, yogurt, whole grain pancakes, ice cream, and in smoothies. If you have any other great ways to eat blueberries, please share. You just can't get enough of the blue!
This website is intended for informational purposes only. For professional personal/ career coaching, call or email Nancy for assistance with consulting, resources, and information to meet your personal needs. See links on the side panel for professional organizations. Copyright LWD © 2005 Nancy Miller
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Unspoken Language
But Ellie being a newbie didn't know her place in the group. Today she held back and watched. A couple of times she tried to join the play with Maggie and Pepper, but got the brush off. She had a confused look on her face as she walked away. Being the third dog, she created a triangle that changed the dynamic. Any two of the dogs could have played together, but the third created chaos in the relationship.
Today Ellie is being more cautious and letting Maggie and Pepper get used to her. They are all getting along. Ellie is watching the unspoken langu
Have you ever felt like you walked into a group of two or more with your friendly face ready to join the group and wondered why you didn't feel like you fit? Nothing was said. You missed the body language. You just knew something happened. Whether you are at work or in a social setting, people have an unspoken language that can be easily missed. You may be walking into a group who has a very different appearance or background from yourself. There may be members who have been wounded by life and others who want to protect them. Take a lesson from Ellie and bring your positive energy to the group. If you are not welcomed, don't be offended. Step back and wait until they feel more comfortable with you and you can find your place in the group. Building relationships and working in groups is a learned process that takes time. But learning to communicate and build supportive relationships is the most important thing we can learn. The world is changing. It can feel very uncertain. But just as Pepper and Maggie learned after having turmoil in their lives, friendships are the most important assets.
This website is intended for informational purposes only. For professional personal/ career coaching, call or email Nancy for assistance with consulting, resources, and information to meet your personal needs. See links on the side panel for professional organizations. Copyright LWD © 2005 Nancy Miller
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Adjust our expectations?
But in this new age of enlightenment many of us are finding that we can live better, spend less, and do work that is meaningful. We chased the money to corporations, retirement accounts and home equity. If that’s all there is, then there is reason to feel angry and anxious. But our attitude and the energy we put into our feelings can work for us or against us. As Nicholas Boothman says in his book, “How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds or Less,” you can choose a ‘Really Useless Attitude’ or a ‘Very Useful Attitude.’ Do you want to be angry and anxious in reaction to your current situation, or do you want to approach your challenges feeling resourceful and relaxed?
For some reason, I believe partly genetic, I tend to naturally get tense and anxious when faced with challenges. I continue to take on difficult tasks, learn through experience, and build up my resilience, but my natural reaction is tension. When I read Boothman’s description of a ‘Very Useless Attitude,’ I realized that I was experiencing some useless attitudes and really didn’t need to. Whether the economy is up or down, you are young or old, jobs are scarce or plentiful you can choose to have a ‘Very Useful Attitude. In my experience excellent jobs have always been scarce. It takes planning, strategies, a positive attitude, and determination to do what it takes to get the job you want. You also need to re-evaluate your goals regularly to see if they are REALLY what you want.
Most of us are going through withdrawals, especially if we are trying to spend less money on junk food, eating out, and frufru coffee. We may be experiencing more than a loss of expectation. We may also be experiencing withdrawal from sugar and fat. Not a bad thing! Leaner is usually healthier and more productive. The same is true for your job search and career development. You may be forced to do what you needed to do all along: Focus on your values, vision, and goals. If you know your strengths and values, have a vision for your life and work, and hire a professional to keep you on track, you have nothing to fear. More than ever, you are your business. Take charge!
Copyright LWD © 2005 Nancy Miller
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Time of reckoning
Monday, March 09, 2009
What did you hear today?
My husband and I take long walks through the greenbelt that runs through part of Elk Grove. As we walk past the trees and small lake, my husband points out birds in the water, in the trees, and along the brush. He knows the birds by the sound of their voices. I have become very aware of the sound of birds. I don't know their names, but I listen to their different calls. I no longer remember the sounds of traffic. Because I pay attention to birds, that is what I remember at the end of the day.
Much of our lives are driven by what we choose to hear and pay attention to. What sounds do you remember at the end of the day? Did your day end with the sights and sounds you wanted to think about and dream about? You can choose what to focus on and remember, and your memories become a part of you.
This website is intended for informational purposes only. For professional personal/ career coaching, call or email Nancy for assistance with consulting, resources, and information to meet your personal needs.
Monday, March 02, 2009
Looking for Band Aids
There may not be quick solutions, but there are things we can do. For one thing, take your vitamins. You can plan, prioritize your values, strengthen your relationships, and tighten your belt. This is a great time to find where the needs are, build up your business skills, and be grateful for what you have. I am very grateful for the material comforts that I am blessed with. As a family, we are doing better financially and relationally than we ever have. When friends were buying bigger houses, we began thinking about downsizing. We sold our house, paid all of our debts, and bought a car and investment house with cash. Friends thought we were crazy for selling our house and buying a house out of state. We thought we were crazy for renting an apartment close to work, walking, taking the bus, and paying cash.
I loved living close to town, walking, and feeling like I was in the heart of all that Sacramento has to offer—the good, bad and the ugly. I felt the discomfort and inconvenience of renting an apartment that flooded, leaked, and smelled musty. I gained empathy for people who were less fortunate than I was. After four years of renting, we had the opportunity to buy a house on a short sale. We weren’t just smart or just lucky, but we were able to tighten our belts for a time, and then find ourselves in a position to benefit from the change in the economy. In my experience, when I lost hope in the future, I spent more on immediate pleasures. For some too much optimism without a reality check led to over indulgence.
I love spending time with family, friends, and colleagues. I look for ways to use my counseling, coaching, and entrepreneurial skills to work in the community. I enjoy sharing what I have learned from my own insights, experiences others have shared with me, and trends in careers and entrepreneurship. Send questions, comments, and experiences as we share this journey together.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Valentine's Day
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Your Story
This month in the LifeWork Planning Guides we will develop a Personal Summary. Your Personal Summary is the first step in your LifeWork Success Plan. Your Personal Summary will give you a good start on your personal/career portfolio or the executive summary for your business plan.
Share your comments. I will review and post them to the blog or send questions or comments directly to me: